Fall – Metallic series works on show at Foster Gallery and Pottery, Lachine, QC
Summer – Exposition 1001 Pots, 35e édition, Galerie Gaétan-Beaudin, Val-David, QC
Above: Metallics collection displayed in the Gaetan-Beaudin gallery during the 35th edition of the 1001 Pots summer exhibit in Val-David, QC, July-August 2024.
9 December – Journée portes ouvertes, Atelier Céramique CCL, Complexe du Canal Lachine, Montréal QC
18-30 July – Rework Traditions : An Exploration of Ceramic Sculpture, group show, Galerie ERGA, Montréal. Curator : Beatrice Shilton
25-30 May – Tout en fleur, group show, Galerie E.K. Voland, Complexe du Canal Lachine, Montréal
18-24 May – Rouille + Bois x Céramique, with Pierre Klein, Espace Pop, Montréal
Above: Some Metallics displayed at the Rework Traditions : An Exploration of Ceramic Sculpture group show, curated by Beatrice Shilton, Galerie ERGA, Montréal, QC (July 2023). (See immersive 360º video of the vernissage. Can be rotated to view entire room).
Above: Some Metallics displayed at the Rouille + Bois x Céramique show organized with Pierre Klein, Espace POP, Montréal, QC (April 2023). (See installation video)
13-14 May – End of residency solo show, Montebello Design Centre, Cape Town, South Africa
August 2024 – I applied to 1001 Pots' residency program and was selected. I spent one week in Val-David, building works for my new Arctic series, which celebrates the fragile beauty of northern ice.
April-May 2022 – Invited six-week self-directed residency at the John Bauer Ceramic Studio & Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa. During my stay, I built and glazed ten maquettes; attended a weekend workshop on alternative firing techniques; made tiles for, and participated in, the 25th Porterville Mosaic Festival; taught a three-hour workshop on underglaze paper transfers; and had an exit solo exhibit in the Bauer Gallery at the Montebello Design Centre. I also interviewed South African artists Sandile Cele and Lissa Classens for Ceramics Monthly. Finally, I visited several pottery studios and galleries to discover their practices.
Above: Maquettes for the Erratics project at the residency solo exit show, Montebello Design Centre, Cape Town, South Africa (May 2022) (more photos and a video).
Explore & Create grant (Professional Development), Canada Council for the Arts, 2022
“Etty Anderson: Craft, Queerness and Subversion”, Ceramics Monthly, December 2024. Read
“Atelier Tréma: The Road to Serendipity”, Ceramics Monthly, Nov 2023. Read
“Sandile Brian Cele, the Zulu Goth”, Ceramics Monthly, Dec 2022. Read.
“Studio Visit: Lissa Claassens”, Ceramics Monthly, Oct 2022. Read.
Above: Lissa Claassens, Sandile Brian Cele, Marie-Joëlle Turgeon, Etty Anderson.
“Taking the Leap”, The Potters Cast with Paul Blais, episode 782. Listen (50 minutes)
Montreal Maker’s Market Maker Monday Interview. Read
Courses with no location indicated were completed online. Les cours sans indication quant au lieu ont été réalisés en virtuel.
All year – Cohorts.Art mentorship program. Mentor: artist and gallerist Sam Harvey. Our group met in November 2024 in New Mexico. We convened at Ralph Scala's Santa Fe studio to share knowledge and do a couple of firings in the desert.
8 June – All About Spouts, Jen Allen
10, 11, 17, 18 February – La fiscalité pour artistes, Guerlane Noël, Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec (RAAV)
12, 14, 15 February – Les clés de l’artiste professionnel, Jeanne Couture, RAAV
All year – Experimental Glazes Workshop, Christina Schou Christensen
5 December – Digging into Why, Sean O'Connell
18 November – Put a Lid on It, Jen Allen
17-19 November – Ceramics Congress 2023 (The Ceramics School)
23 September, Cut it Out - How to using a craft cutter for clay, Shalya Marsh
13 July, Tiles and Wall Boxes, Naomi Clement
1-3 August – Workshop on techniques and slips, Akira Satake
8 May – Jump Start Your Art + Financing Options, YES Montreal
15-18 March – Currents, NCECA 57th Annual Conference, Cincinnati, USA
2 March – Préparer son dossier d'artiste, Aurélie Barbe, Westmount Community Centre
Winter term – Acrylic Collage & Mixed Media, Melanie Matthews, cégep Dawson, Montréal
19 November – Designing Templates for Ceramics, Jen Allen
8-9 October – Sales assistant for Don Goddard, Annual Pottery Sale, Marlin Orchards, Ontario
31 July - 13 August – Sketch & Stretch: A Playful Approach to Handbuilding & Surface Design, Chandra DeBuse, Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, USA
26 July – Making & Working with Bisque Molds, Naomi Clement
12 June – Surface Effects on Clay, Lesley McInally
9 June – Vases and Flower Baskets, Naomi Clement
2-3 June – Coil and Slab Building, Erin Furimsky
26-29 May – Ceramics Congress – Focus on Australia
9-10 April – Alternative Firing Techniques, with Lissa Classens & Alila Hofmeyr, Millstone Pottery, McGregor, South Africa
19 March – Silkscreen Stencils & Monotype on Clay, Jacinthe Loranger, Visual Arts Centre, Westmount
2 February – Layered Surfaces 2.0: Surface & Form, Naomi Clement
24-29 November – Ceramics Congress – Focus on Japan (The Ceramics School)
12-14 November – Large scale hand-built vessels, Elise Provencher, Visual Arts Centre, Westmount
October-December – Professional Practices Bootcamp for Artists, Naomi Clement
16 October – Cover and Flow: Handbuilt Lids and Spouts, Sarah Pike
April-June – Abstract Painting for Beginners, Corina Kennedy, Visual Arts Centre, Westmount
27-31 May – Ceramics Congress – Focus on Canada (The Ceramics School)
8 May – Feel the Peel: Advanced Stencil Techniques, Diana Fayt
2 March – Creating Layered Surfaces – Experimenting with Color and Pattern, Naomi Clement
30 January – Making Your Own Bisque Stamps, Sarah Pike
26 January – Handle Extravaganza, Naomi Clement
19 January – Handbuilt Plates, Naomi Clement
Studio floater, Studio de céramique Alexandra, Montréal
Wheel-throwing classes, taught by Carole Mose, Elaine Michaud and Yukari Hazama, Studio de céramique Alexandra, Montréal
Associate member, Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec (RAAV)
US National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA)
International Ceramic Artists Network (ICAN)
Listed in the Canadian Clay Directory / Répertoire des céramistes canadiens
Member of the Goregama wood firing group, Gore, QC